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Activities for the last week of term

The Team

We got this message from Mrs Losana Nagan who has supported our site and even presented a webinar (links below). Mrs Nagan is also well regarded by her ECE peers. She posted this on our Facebook page and we think it is worthy of it being a blog post. As we say, the idea is to learn off each other. From Losana :

"This week is the last week of this term. Sometimes we get carried away completing what we need to complete because it is the last week and we tend to overlook the diehard ones that continue to come to school eager to learn.

Here are suggestions on how you can involve them in your day and at the same time keep them occupied till dismissal time.


  1. Use YouTube to get them singing, jiving and doing their renditions with gusto.

  2. Have little breaks where it is crucial that they actually do something hands-on. eg... draw, colour and border one of the drills.

  3. Colour by line( using scrap paper, I cut them into Pollypocket sizes, they colour one line one colour and I save these rainbow paper for my own form of home reading, or, scrap

  4. Polly pocket sized grid lined paper and get them to Color by box/ give them lined paper, again Polly Pocket-sized and get them to write - "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" - line by line, front and back.

  5. Or play YouTube fairy tales and get them to partner with someone to prepare a poster, recalling the story, they draw, colour and border about the story with a partner.

  6. For the afternoons, get them into their groups and they decide on an afternoon presentation- dance/ sing/ choir competitions, Partner rhythm rhyme presentation etc... It's fun and like I always tell my class, "look busy doing things - don't look busy doing nothing!" They take it to heart. So while they watch, sing along or follow instructions, I can complete what I need to do before spending time with them again during noontime for the competition presentations.

  7. On the last two days, we get to clean, pack and prepare our room for the new class. And if there's nothing else, they get to finally play with all the manipulatives( bottle tops, blocks, lego, ice block sticks, giant jigsaw, and even some card games like snakes and ladders, Ludo, etc...which they were not allowed to touch when face to face started.

The above may seem like a lot but I break them down and they get to do what they can complete in a day. You don't have to do them all in a day.

Happy last week to everyone. "

Losana's previous webinar : ECE education


Image by jaikishan patel

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