At our next webinar session come along to hear about :
a history of teaching and teaching styles including in Fiji
differences between child growth Fiji vs Australia - contemporary research
dynamics of online teaching and challenges for primary and secondary teaching
what does the future of teaching look like?
Q &A session
We think this topic fits with our previous topics and will benefit everyone from those that attend our sessions regularly to those that who have not including those that teach at universities including Education Faculties to school Principals and upcoming leaders in education . We also invite those involved in education and economic policy.
Our invited speaker was born in Fji and was one of the youngest professors in Australia when he was appointed at age 33. He is now a professor at one of the largest (ranked top 57th in the world) universities in the world and top 5 in Australia.
Professor Paresh Narayan from Monash University, will also discuss the history of teaching and teaching styles, drawing on Fiji and Australian primary and secondary school teaching experiences.
About Professor Narayan
Professor Paresh Narayan was born in Suva and attended Vashist Muni Primary School, in Navua, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial primary and secondary schools and Suva Muslim College. His first degree is from Univerisity of the South Pacific.
He is
Ranked among top-2 researchers in Australia.
Named among the top-40 stars of research across all academic disciples in Australia & research leader of International Business field in September 2019 (Australian Newspaper).
Ranked among top-2 authors in Australia and top-1% in the world by Research Papers in Economics (RePec).
Since 2008, Professor Narayan is Consultant to many organisations including Asian Development Bank, AusAID, South Pacific Commission, Forum Secretariat, UNDP, ILO, Solomon Island National Provident Fund, Central Bank of Solomon Islands, USP, Economic Research Institute of ASEAN (ERIA).
Day: Thursday, 9th September, 2021
Time: 8 pm (Fiji Time).
PLEASE REGISTER HERE IN ADVANCE [HERE] and forward this link to others. It is as always free to attend.
ZOOM Link: Use the ZOOM Link to join the webinar on Thursday.
Meeting ID: 844 1590 7051
Passcode: 420943