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Session 2 :  USING ZOOM 30th July

The videos are split; Zoom for teaching. It was a session that we couldn't accommodate any more as we reached our 100 person limit. Get beginner tips on how to use Zoom.

Session 3:  Bringing it Together : Google Forms and Zoom

In this webinar the first session and Zoom session is combined and some Q&A along with use of some other online tools.

Session 4:  Accounting teaching: Fiji and Australia

Mr Ashvin Dass one of our contributing teachers from Melbourne and Ms. Geeta Krishnan from Nadi discuss teaching accounting online. What are the challenges and ideas to share. Ashvin goes over some to his online resources, some finer points of online teaching as well including the use of  a Kahoot quiz.

Session 5:  Virtual Science Experiments : Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Here we have Mr Manasa Naeqe a teacher from Bua and our own Navneet Sharma talk about Science teaching remotely. First up, Manasa's experience (a must watch) in teaching during the lockdown - plenty of good tips for any teacher regardless of subject.  Navneet then takes us through resources and experiments online for Physics, Biology and Chemistry.

Session 6:  Early Childhood Education : Phonics

After many requests for this subject topic from teachers,  we feature phonics in Early Childhood education. Our two presenters are Ms. Sangeeta Jattan from the Fiji National University and Ms. Nadiya Khan a teacher born and trained in Australia. L:earn about Jolly phonics and other types of teaching!

Session 7:  Games Based Learning : Using Kahoot quizzes

In this session we take it back to making  teaching fun and exciting. In the first part, Navneet discusses  'how not to be boring teachers' and lists the 7 habits of highly boring teachers. In the second part, he then explores the use of games in teaching, something we can use in any subject, in any Year level. One platform that has become very popular around the world is KAHOOT. This webinar provides a detailed step by step guide on how to set up Kahoo, how to modify existing Kahoots and how create tehm from scratch. It is a fun, simple and easy way to engage your students whether teaching online or onsite. 

Session 8:  Professor Paresh Narayan Dynamics and  Challenges of Digital Teaching

In our our mission to provide collaborative opportunities and to be a platform for sharing and challenging new ideas we invited Professor Narayan. Prof. Narayan is a Fijian who is a professor at Monash University in Australia. Paresh based on his own Fijian education and recent experience compares and contrasts (using a developed country example of Australia) the styles, motivations and policy outcomes. He asks the questions as to what we all as teachers can look to do as the new 'normal' becomes reality. The thoughts and experiences are his and no doubt an opportunity for us to self reflect and perhaps change.

Session 9:  Mental Health and Wellbeing

Based on your feedback and demand we have organised this our next webinar.  In the webinar, Ms. Lia Ray, a Psychology teacher of 15 years in Australia discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health in the school context (student/teacher).  Join us as we compare , share and contrast in the spirit of collaboration. 

Session 10:  A Teacher's Experience : Including ECE Tips

This was webinar 10 where we had the privilege of the experience of Ms. Nagan who is very well known among early childhood educators in Fiji. Ms. Nagan also shares her tips as a teacher which is useful for all teachers irrespective for which grade you teach.

Session 11:  Creating engaging Powerpoint slides for teaching

In this week's webinar, Mr Eric Jioje runs the session and in two parts: some research about powerpoint and then some practical tips. Mr Jioje shares his experience as a user. He share some practical tips on how to avoid "death by powerpoint".  

Session 12 :  Learning styles of Fijian students

Mr Alvin Chand a PhD candidate at Waikato University and science teacher shares his PhD research. His findings are in part  based on interviews of Fijian students in New Zealand. What motivates or engages a Fijian identifying student? Is it different to other nationalities (hint :yes). The ideas and concepts shared are relevant to students based in Fiji as well as thought provoking in terms of our own teaching approach in the classroom. He also shares his teaching resources that are available to teachers to use.

Image by jaikishan patel



We are a group of like-minded professionals who care for the progress and educational development of all Fijians. We are also aware of the challenges that are faced with the geography and reach of education being inconsistent in Fiji.



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